When It’s Our Values That Stand In Our Way

Dan Beverly

Goals. Values. Beliefs. The personal development trifecta.

I create and commit to powerfully inspiring goals. I come to know – and align – to my values. And I choose to adopt empowering beliefs. And so: I can achieve anything.

Knowing – and aligning with – our values (those things most important to us) is one of the most powerful personal development steps we can take. And not least because:

Sometimes, our values play-out in negative ways.

Don’t think so? Here are some examples …

Let’s say: I value a strong work ethic. It’s played a big part of my success to date. I’ve worked hard. Harder than the other guy. I’ve stuck diligently to my project and had success as a result.

But now I notice I’ve come to associate success as only ever following significant hard work. And so I sidestep or overlook more direct routes to my goal because it can’t be success without the strife that must come beforehand. Because I’ve not yet earnt that success. Because I don’t deserve it.

And so I harbour the belief that success without strife is not success, not earnt, not deserved and not for me. Hmm.

Perhaps I value organisation. And my highly-organised approach to work has me in total command of what I do. I’m known for it! But now I notice I can’t start anything unless everything is laid-out in advance. Unless everything is neat and tidy (even though I know that’s not how careers or businesses really happen). Unless everything is certain – which it never can be. Hmm.

Perhaps I value learning and knowledge. What I have learnt and what I know have been huge factors in my success. I love putting my deep knowledge to work. And revelling in the spirit of continual learning and improvement. But now I notice I am incapacitated by my need to (over-) educate. And rather than getting into action with what I do know, I choose to stay stuck – although I hide it behind my latest learning project. Hmm.

Perhaps I value perfection. And so my high-standards drive me forward and achieve amazing outputs. But now I notice I’m missing deadlines. And that nothing is ever good enough. Including me. Hmm.

What’s the lesson here?

Examine your values.

Think about how they are playing out: positively and negatively. And notice where those well-intentioned and positive values are harbouring beliefs that actually sit in conflict to your goals and objectives.

And from there: rewrite the story around those values. And how best you’ll choose to put them to work.

want to talk more?

If you’re thinking about coaching as an option, why don’t we schedule a call, have a brief chat and see where you’re at?

No canned pitch or hard sell. Just honest conversation and a new connection made. And at a time that suits you best.

Dan Beverly

Dan Beverly is a leadership and performance coach helping high-performing, high-achieving professional women embrace the pivotal career moments.

To work with Dan, go online to book “Session Zero” – and start capitalising on your pivotal career moment, today.
