Setting The Bar Too Low

Setting The Bar Too Low

.30 April 2024.

We never want to set anyone up to fail. But in response, do we set the bar TOO LOW?

A low bar is not great for the human system. Energy doesn’t generate in response to a low bar. Motivation doesn’t emerge in response to a low bar. And the human brain doesn’t fire in response to a low bar.

We need challenge and stretch.

(Not to mention that, for many, achieving that low bar would, itself, be a form of failure!)

As a role model and leader, you’re better-off setting the bar just-so, with enough stretch to excite (but not overwhelm) the system. And then establishing a team culture where NOT clearing that bar is ok and permitted.

Leaders and Managers: Don’t lower the bar. Set an inspiring standard. And support your team to achieve it.