One Simple Thought for a Better Meeting

Dan Beverly

We spend a lifetime in meetings. And so they’d better be productive.

With that in mind: the one thought I take into my meetings; the one thought I’d like to encourage you to adopt; the one thought I’ll insist you adhere to, if you’re going to be in a meeting with me. Is this.

“If you’re going to be in the room, be in the room.”

The two operative words here are, of course, “if” and “be”.

  • IF: this is about decision. Our time is precious. And it’s easily consumed by meetings that are poorly-timed, poorly-prepared and/or just not necessary. Make powerful, honest, objectives-focused decisions about your meetings – including which to say “no” to.
  • BE: this is about engagement. If you’ve decided and said “yes” to the meeting, make it count. Be clear on the outcomes, be prepared and – above all – be present.

Honour your time – and theirs – and hold on to that thought:

If you’re going to be in the room, be in the room.

want to talk more?

If you’re thinking about coaching as an option, why don’t we schedule a call, have a brief chat and see where you’re at?

No canned pitch or hard sell. Just honest conversation and a new connection made. And at a time that suits you best.

Dan Beverly

Dan Beverly is a leadership and performance coach helping high-performing, high-achieving professional women embrace the pivotal career moments.

To work with Dan, go online to book “Session Zero” – and start capitalising on your pivotal career moment, today.